Pond Product Reviews - A Review of All Koi Pond Supplies

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What external pump do you use on your pond?
AquaFlo 6 votes. (6.45 %) 6.45 %
Easy Pro 4 votes. (4.30 %) 4.30 %
Evolution Series 12 votes. (12.90 %) 12.90 %
IntelliFlo 2 votes. (2.15 %) 2.15 %
Little Giant 9 votes. (9.68 %) 9.68 %
Performance Pro 18 votes. (19.35 %) 19.35 %
Sequence Pumps 22 votes. (23.66 %) 23.66 %
W. Lim 2 votes. (2.15 %) 2.15 %
Waterways 12 votes. (12.90 %) 12.90 %
WonderFlo 6 votes. (6.45 %) 6.45 %
Total votes: 93
Rock Bottom or Smooth? 25. August 2008.
How would you rate this site? 12. August 2008.
Should butterfly koi be allowed in koi shows? 09. September 2008.
How big is your pond? 04. December 2008.
Should a Koi Pond have a Bottom Drain? 25. September 2008.
How many koi per gallon? 20. October 2008.
What is the Best koi food? 18. February 2009.
Who Makes the Best External Pond Pumps? 20. April 2009.
Who Makes the Best Submersible Pump? 24. August 2009.
How do you feel about plants in a koi pond? 22. March 2010.
What type if filter do you have? 08. September 2010.
What is your favorite type of koi? 05. October 2010.
Which chlorine remover is the best? 02. November 2010.
Which submersible pump do you use on your pond? 20. December 2010.
Should koi ponds have a UV filter? 29. March 2011.
What is your favorite tap water dechlorinator? 10. May 2011.

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