Product Review

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: GreenFin Full Life Koi Diet
Product Rating:
This is another one of those great foods that you almost never hear anything about. I have many of my clients feeding their koi with this because of my suggestions and they love it. low waste, good ingredients and at a reasonable price.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Zeigler
Product Rating:
This food is a true sleeper. Its one of the best foods out there and nobody has ever heard of it and nobody sells it. I am surprised to even see it listed here because its so hard to find. But its a great food!

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Dainichi Premium
Product Rating:
Another one of my favorite foods. One of the more pricey foods as well. But Dainichi is digested so easily by the koi that almost no waste is produced. Its a premium diet that I often suggest to my high end clients looking for the best nutrition for their show quality koi.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Toyoma Premium Pro
Product Rating:
One of my favorite foods. You can really only find it online but it has all the benefits of the premium dainichi koi food, yet at a much lower cost. Dainichi is one of the most digestible foods and I always recommend it to my clients with heavily stocked ponds to keep the amount of fish waste produced to a minimum. My customer who switch to this from a Tetra brand are shocked at how much cleaner the water is and how much easier it is to maintain.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Hikari Gold (Large,Medium,Small pellet)
Product Rating:
This is about as good a food as you will find at the local pet store. If you want anything better you will need to visit a koi dealer or an online koi website. Hikari has made a very good food with their Gold and I usually recommend it to my clients who are looking for something locally.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Saki-Hikari Growth
Product Rating:
You won't find this on the pet store shelf with the other hikari foods. This is the best hikari has to offer and its one of the top foods in the market today. If you have premium koi and you don't mind spending over $15 a pound then this is a great choice. But its way more food then you need for your average pond mutts. Hikari has other lower cost foods that are also very good.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Hikari Economy
Product Rating:
Of the inexpensive pet store brands, this is the best. Its not the best food out there by any means, but if you are at your local pet store and you are looking to save some money, this is the food to get without destroying your water quality. Very digestible and healthy. But if you don't mind spending a bit more money, on the same shelf are some of the premium Hikari brand koi foods that are even better.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: PondCare Summer Staple
Product Rating:
This food is a little better then the Tetra brand, but not much. It still uses many low quality ingredients and will increase the amount of fish waste after eating because the koi are not able to digest it as easily.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: TetraPond Variety Blend
Product Rating:
Feeding low quality food is the main reason for most of my koi health visits. People buy the cheapest stuff they find at the pet store and then wonder why their water is murky and their fish aren't healthy. Low quality foods like the Tetra line are filled with fillers and poor ingredients. They are not digestible and end up as waste in the pond. This degrades the water quality and the koi health. Some of the premium brands can be very expensive, but you get better nutrition and cleaner water because the koi produce less waste..

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: KoiRx De-Tox Plus
Product Rating:
I use this instead of Ultimate because its cheaper and treats more and works better. This is one of the best water conditioners on the market today. Its more then needed for you weekly water changes, but when setting up and new pond, moving koi into QT, transporting koi and major water changes, this is a great item to keep handy.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Sodium Thiosulfate Dechlor
Product Rating:
I keep several pounds of this on hand at all times. by far the cheapest method for removing chlorine from tap water. Its the base ingredient for most chlorine removers on the market. The smallest amount will remove chlorine from hundreds of gallons. It will not remove ammonia, so if you have high levels of chloramines, then you may see a spike in ammonia once this product removes the chlorine. but unless you are doing a major water change, ST will work fine. For water changes over 20% I would use a product that also removes ammonia.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Microbe-Lift Spring /Summer Cleaner
Product Rating:
A very good Microbe lift product that gets the pond up and running for the Spring. Gets all the winter debris cleaned out and having the water clean makes the fish healthier during the dangerous spring bacteria period. I usually suggest to all my clients that they add this product every spring.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Microbe-Lift PL Pro
Product Rating:
Another great product from Microbe-Lift. This is what I carry with me when i visit ponds every day. I almost always add this every time I visit just to keep their pond healthy and clean. Hard to find at retail, usually you have to buy direct from a distributor.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Microbe-Lift HC
Product Rating:
Microbe-Lift makes a wide range of very effective bacterial products. This is one of them that I often will suggest to my clients. Excellent at keeping the pond healthy.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: FritzZyme Turbo Start 700
Product Rating:
I put this in every new pond I visit. I get called a lot to ponds that are new and the customers are frustrated with the quality of the water. Fritz Zyme makes one of the best new pond bacterial products in the market. Literally in just a few weeks a pond will completely cycle.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Refresh Powder and Clay
Product Rating:
This product is very hard to get in the US, but if you can find it, buy it. Its the best clay available. Usually only sold in Japan and I have to have it brought over by a dealer friend when he goes to Japan to buy koi. It is far better then any clay available here.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Jungle Medicated Food
Product Rating:
I did not find this medicated to be nearly as effective as the blackwater and medi koi brands. If this is all you have available then its better then nothing, but it does not contain as high of a level of medicine.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Medi Koi Antibiotic Food
Product Rating:
No medicated food will work if is the only thing you use. Medicated foods are great at reducing healing time while the koi are undergoing treatment for bacterial infections and parasite infestations. MediKoi is one of my favorite medicated foods to use. It has a significant amount of medicine and it always reduces the number of treatments I need to do on the koi because they heal much faster when compared to using regular food.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Blackwater Medicated Food
Product Rating:
I have given this to many customers when they are dealing with health issues in their koi pond. No medicated koi food can work as the only treatment, however it is very to good to use while you are performing other treatment. I found the blackwater medicated food to cut the healing time down significantly when compared to regular feeding during the treatment process.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Kusuri Anti Bacterial Spray
Product Rating:
This product is hard to find, but a few online dealers stock it. Its a very easy to apply product and also effective. best when used with the sealer spray. I don't like to come in contact with healing wounds because the new skin growth is easily damaged which will slow the healing process. Using a spray allows you to treat without damaging to new fragile tissue.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Pond Solutions Bio-Bandage
Product Rating:
I use this product because it allows you to treat the wound without actually touching the wound. new skin forming over a wound is very fragile and cannot be touched. So you can apply this powder and it turn to gel sealing the area without ever touching it. This aids in much faster healing and growth of new skin.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: DeBride Medicated Ointment
Product Rating:
I visit 5 to 6 ponds a week with bacterial infections of one type or another. I go through this product like nothing else. Very effective. My only concern with this is it requires you to physically touch the wound. The newly forming skin is more fragile then tissue paper and will come off with the slightest touch. So application of this product after new skin has started is very difficult and I usually switch to a powdered or spray wound sealant and a dip.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: ProForm - LA
Product Rating:
Very effective and safe product that is great for treating both anchor worms and lice. It is safer then Dimilin and costs less too. I have used this on my clients ponds dozens of times with much success.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Dimilin
Product Rating:
Dimilin is a good product for removing anchor worms, but you do have to be careful not to overdose. I generally prefer Proform LA as it is much safer, cheaper and every bit as effective

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Pond Solutions PraziPro
Product Rating:
Prazi is expensive even in powder form. Per gallon treated this liquid product gets even more expensive. However I have used it on a few occasions and it has been every bit as effective as the powdered product.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Argent Potassium Promangante
Product Rating:
I frequently use this as a clean up on many of my clients ponds. However I never suggest this product be used by an inexperienced hobbyist. It can be very dangerous and higher levels and it can be dangerous to the biological process of the pond. However at very low doses it can be safe and effective for removing dissolved organics from the water.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: PraziPond
Product Rating:
This product is much safer for the koi then fluke tabs and it is more effective. Flukes are easy to see under a microscope so I will usually confirm flukes before recommending this product as it is not cheap. It is also very safe to use while treating with ProformC. You can add the Prazi at the same time as the third ProformC treatment.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: ProForm C
Product Rating:
Old Faithful! I have been using this product for as long as I have been working with koi...and that's a long time. I can't count how many ponds I have treated with this over the years, but well over 100. Its safe to use every spring as a shotgun treatment to prevent parasite issues later in the year. It also a very effective broad spectrum treatment for most all parasites. It will no threat flukes, anchor worms or lice, but it will treat everything else. Do not mix with salt. When i have clients call me with parasite issues and they do not have a microscope, I often suggest for them to try this product first and see if it helps before they move on to some of the more expensive treatments.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Furanase
Product Rating:
I was very happy with the effectiveness of these tabs. I have used them on several occasions in warmer temps. It will take several treatments but that it true with almost any fungal medication. Best to use in a QT situation rather then try and treat the entire pond.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Microbe-Lift Anti-Fungal Treatment
Product Rating:
This is a good reliable anti fungal that can be used to treat the entire pond. Its also affordable and readily available so I will frequently suggest this to my clients with fungal issues on the koi.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Aquatrol Acriflavine
Product Rating:
I have used this product numerous times with some success. Its a safe product which I always like and its easy to find from many online sources. So for those reasons I often suggest it to my clients. However I have found it to be less effective them some other treatments I use like Elbagin.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Aquarium Products Fluke-Tabs
Product Rating:
I am not a fan of fluke tabs in general. They are effective and cheap, so I gave them 3 stars, but they can easily stress the koi. I prefer Prazi for dealing with flukes. It's a lot more expensive however.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Aquarium Products Clout
Product Rating:
This is a good product from quarantine systems, but not practical for large pond applications. The problem is if you have issues such as parasites then you need to treat the entire pond. However new koi should always be kept in a QT for several weeks and in that situation this is a good product to have on hand.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Neocide 3
Product Rating:
I suggest this product often to my clients because its effective and easy for the average hobbyist to use. Usually requires three treatments to be effective. You don't need to sedate the koi which is why its so good for people to do themselves. I have seen very large ulcers and bacterial infections be reversed after 3 treatments

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Argent BGDX
Product Rating:
I have used this product on my clients fish dozens of times. It has proven itself very effective at healing numerous gill problems. I keep it in my medicine chest all the time and never run out.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Pond Care MelaFix
Product Rating:
This product is actually good for some things. It makes your pond smell nice for one and it makes you feel better because you feel like you are doing something good for your pond. Other then that it really has no purpose.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Elbagin
Product Rating:
I have been using Elbagin for over a decade. Its very hard to find and I have a koi dealer pick up up a bunch of it when he goes over to Japan to buy koi. I haven't found many US sources for this product. Extremely effective!

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: Aqua MedZyme Dry Concentrate
Product Rating:
I like Aqua Medzyme better the KoiZyme only because its powdered and treats more and doesn't need to be refrigerated. Otherwise they are pretty much the same product for the same price. I would suggest this product with the same confidence as KoiZyme as far as the effectiveness. Great in the spring and for over stocked ponds to prevent infections. I also suggest adding it to ponds when several koi are being treated for infection to help aid in healing.

Cat Jenkins (Koi Health Professional) on Tuesday 02 November, 2010
Product Reviewed: KoiZyme
Product Rating:
This is a good quality product that I suggest to many of my clients with over stocked ponds. I also suggest it to many people in the Spring to prevent bacterial infections. It works very well.

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